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L2L SynCeD

De 247 Hacker

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Hey guys,

Today on the server de 247 (22.7.2012 10:10 gmt+1)

me (L2L|SynCeD) and my friend (g0ne) were on the northern-east airfield. We killed some zombies and looked for loot, when suddenly a motorcycle spawned behind g0ne. The two players on the motorcycle he shot at them. We looted them and they got same loot: Ghillie suit, As 50, 5x as50mag, nightvision, rangefinder, entrenching tool, full toolbelt, m1911 with ammo. And nothing to eat and drink. After two minutes of silence one player spawned behind us with a pickup. I started to run away and disconnected. g0ne killed the driver and was badly hurt. He tried to use a bandage on himself. 10seconds later this guy spawnend again next to g0ne and killed him.

We just can remember one name it was probably "Pauly"

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I am the guy that was killed by one of these hacker. I can confirm this report.

Please ban them.

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