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Looking for people to skype and play with US + EU Servers

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Hey man, im looking for some people to play with, Hit me up! Skype: cameron.arnold12

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on alot as long as theres people to play with, add super_evil_villian on skype if you wanna play. live on east coast

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Skype: Ch1ckenSniper

Just started playing today but I'm catching on pretty quickly. I have college Monday through Thursday during the afternoon but I'm on pretty much any other time.

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Add me, imarlind on skype. I'm in europe and available quite often. I'd love some co-op.

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Nola890 add me! Warning im new but i ready to learn please contact asap!!!

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Hey im looking for some good players to play with me and 2 other people As long as you speak english and have a MIC you can join us! but remember We are not bandits We will kill people if you dont avoid us and take our loot

(Were basicly bandits now i failed) Anyways If your Kinda new and know how to do some stuff like hunting then come on and join too the more the better ! My skype is Cameron_Kirkwood121 ! So yeah as long as you can play on servers like UK and east coast of USA then come on and join!

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Looking for ppl in europe to play dayz with, you need to be able to speak english or swedish, have a mic, and atleast be 15 years old

Skype : allevafan

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Skype name = angelostatefan91

I have played Dayz since ~May 20th. Played FPS's for forever so I am a pretty good shot. Open about what server to play on. I do have Vent/Teamspeak with a headset.

Forgot to add GMT -6 timezone but I am up late at night for the foreseeable future.

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xgwixshades hit me up man id love to have some company on this desolate wasteland.

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