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Your First Life

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I know mine could've gone better, or rather, almost made me drop the mouse and close the laptop. I spawned just outside Cherno (by the docks). I managed to somehow wander all the way to the grocer without alarming any zombies. I finally sneak into the back lot of the grocer and *bang*, my legs are broken.

"Friendly," I say frantically into the air. At this point, all I have on me is a flashlight because I accidentally used my bandage already.

A female avatar runs up to my body, with the revolver she used to break my legs still aimed at me. After looking down at me for a moment, she picks me up and drags me out into the street so I can be feasted upon by zombies.

Fuck. Five minutes of fuck.

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Don't get me wrong, it's sure as hell fun, but man was that a disappointing first run through a game.

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That is hilarious! At least this person had the courtesy to give you a hilarious death. Most people would rather shoot from the sidelines and never show their face. I would be thanking this person if I met them.

As for my first life. I don't really remember. I think I spawned near Cherno. I ran to the nearest building and saw some zombies. I crouched, but I was unsure what their sight range was. I tried to crouch run to the building, but ended up aggroing like eight zombies. Needless to say, my noob-self got eaten alive. I think I went like five lives before I even found my first hatchet.

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That's funny as shit!

I don't remember my first playthrough, but there was a time when I was wandering around cherno, snaggin' some necessities. I reach the church and notice the door is closed. My buddy and I are talking on TS so I wasn't paying too much attention. I open the door and walk in, turn around to close the door when all of a sudden a shot rings out. I jump in my chair and surprisingly enough my char was still up and moving (kinda like that scene in pulp fiction). I spin around and see another survivor working the bolt on his cz. He ducks around a corner and at this point I'm pissed off and holding an akm. I flip that shit on full auto and unleash hell upon my wouldbe assassin. He drops like a sack of potatoes and is laying there. I tell my pal about it and notice I hadn't yet received the kill confirmation. Now this guy is laying here unconscious making a mess of the church floor. I decide to finish the job and unholster my 1911. Pulling the slide back I thought "maybe I just frightened the poor guy" however, before I finished my thought the more logical part of myself had already pulled the trigger. I pulled a map from his pocket, which was only slightly bloodied, and went about my way. It was a map I was looking for in the first place.

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Nice touch dragging you out into the street.

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My first life was weird. Something went wrong, be it hackers, a glitch, incorrect settings, or this is normal and im just retarded. I spawned as a crow. I was flying around for a bit, then I got bored. I tried to figure out how to spawn as a human. I thought it was part of the game at first. Other people have been playing as cows and goats, even uploading videos as proof. I thought it was part of the game at first. Nope! turns out me and a few other players have spawned into the game at some point and ended up running around the map like a bunch of furrys.

Edited by IRIEVOLT

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My first few lives were rather confusing and frustrating to me but apparently bloody hilarious to my mate who was watchin.

Missed my spawn location so i had no idea where i was, that was followed by agonising time wasted figuring out the inventory/backpack system closely followed up with running through the woods bleeding with a horde of zombies chasing me, got to a barn dispatched of them when i figured out i had to re-load my hatchet then ran into a town with just about 3-4k blood passed out on the floor of a house multiple times and heard gunshots very nearby, then proceeded to lapse unconcious again and had to lie there knowing somebody was going to walk in any minute, took the cowards way out and suicided.

Ever since i've been hooked.

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My second attempt was much better. Again in Cherno. I found an M1911. As I wander around I hear a ricochet (which I learned latter was a hatchet) and I get injured. Some guy came running up behind me with an axe. I turn around to shoot, but haven't actually loaded the pistol yet. I comfortably outrun him as his flails his hatchet at me. Finally I empty my entire clip into his face.

I get ambushed by a hoard of zombies as I inspect the body (trying to get his alice pack). I make it to a ladder, but get knocked unconscious before I can climb all the way. When I come to, I fall from the ladder and to my death.

Boy was my heart racing.

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That's funny as shit!

I don't remember my first playthrough, but there was a time when I was wandering around cherno, snaggin' some necessities. I reach the church and notice the door is closed. My buddy and I are talking on TS so I wasn't paying too much attention. I open the door and walk in, turn around to close the door when all of a sudden a shot rings out. I jump in my chair and surprisingly enough my char was still up and moving (kinda like that scene in pulp fiction). I spin around and see another survivor working the bolt on his cz. He ducks around a corner and at this point I'm pissed off and holding an akm. I flip that shit on full auto and unleash hell upon my wouldbe assassin. He drops like a sack of potatoes and is laying there. I tell my pal about it and notice I hadn't yet received the kill confirmation. Now this guy is laying here unconscious making a mess of the church floor. I decide to finish the job and unholster my 1911. Pulling the slide back I thought "maybe I just frightened the poor guy" however, before I finished my thought the more logical part of myself had already pulled the trigger. I pulled a map from his pocket, which was only slightly bloodied, and went about my way. It was a map I was looking for in the first place.

The way I see it, if they shoot first, you are never in the wrong to kill them.

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My first time gave me a taste of DayZ. I found a survivor

, we teamed up, ran with him for about 10 mins across a rail track. Railtrack stops, nek minnit he shoots me. :D

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I know mine could've gone better, or rather, almost made me drop the mouse and close the laptop. I spawned just outside Cherno (by the docks). I managed to somehow wander all the way to the grocer without alarming any zombies. I finally sneak into the back lot of the grocer and *bang*, my legs are broken.

"Friendly," I say frantically into the air. At this point, all I have on me is a flashlight because I accidentally used my bandage already.

A female avatar runs up to my body, with the revolver she used to break my legs still aimed at me. After looking down at me for a moment, she picks me up and drags me out into the street so I can be feasted upon by zombies.

Fuck. Five minutes of fuck.

wait.. you can drag people in DayZ?

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wait.. you can drag people in DayZ?

Just like in ArmA 2, though I guess its possible uses in DayZ are all the more sinister.

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Just like in ArmA 2, though I guess its possible uses in DayZ are all the more sinister.

I've seen someone drag a friend to safety in a gang war type situation. It was two clan who were having a shoot out. One guy goes down, so his buddy run into the fire and drags him behind a tree to bandage him up.

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I've seen someone drag a friend to safety in a gang war type situation. It was two clan who were having a shoot out. One guy goes down, so his buddy run into the fire and drags him behind a tree to bandage him up.

I'm surprised they didn't cease fire so someone could drag them out to the zombies.

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Can't really remember, but I'm pretty sure it was night so I ended up bumping into a few zombies I couldn't see and got eaten that way.

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Just started last night actually!

I was exploring a house and in the hallway I found a pistol and ammo, but then this guy barged in saying not to kill him because he's a new player.

I figured he was alright and I wasn't planning on harming anybody until I noticed he had a crowbar packed away.

He rushed for the loot on the floor, but luckily I managed to grab the gun and one clip of ammo before he took it all.

This was the first time I've actually managed to hold a gun in DayZ so I was kind of nervous wondering if he saw the gun and if he was gonna try anything.

He then went for whatever was in the kitchen and I followed after him. Unfortunately, he got whatever was in there so I headed back for the hall when he started rambling about exploring.

With my back turned, I heard/felt a thunk and noticed I was taking damage.

I quickly turned around and started blasting away as he was trying to beat me down.

As he laid on the ground (gushing blood and still swinging his crowbar), he said he thought he'd have the advantage if he hit my head a couple of times and laughed it off.

With the rest if my clip, I calmly executed him with a couple of shots in the head.

Afterwards, I took his broken down crowbar, the ammo he looted earlier, as well as some chain fences.

While patching myself up, I was left wondering: "If I hadn't picked up the gun would he have attacked me?" and "Why couldn't we have teamed up and explored the world together?"

DayZ is the first game in a while to leave with some actual emotion and I'm excited to keep on playing!

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Hey, at least it wasn't your fault OP.

I fell off a lighthouse within ten minutes of my first spawn ever.

I only have myself to blame.


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Hey, at least it wasn't your fault OP.

I fell off a lighthouse within ten minutes of my first spawn ever.

I only have myself to blame.


I did that with one of the tall smoke stacks at factories, you climb up high and there's a person-thin catwalk way up there. I phased right through the railings.


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I just started the game like 10 minutes ago. I was hiding in the building I spawned in to read all the controls when someone else came walking in with me. I had just spawned and didn't have anything and they started hitting me with a crowbar so I took off running. They chased me for about 5 minutes while we picked up maybe 10-15 zombies chasing as well. Finally I remembered you could climb over fences with V from reading some of the controls and managed to lose the person chasing me (I guess they didn't know how to climb the fence). Anyways, she stopped at the fence for a second trying to figure out how to get over and all the zombies killed her. I managed to lose the 1-2 zombies still following me by running into a church and going prone. I was bleeding out so I laid in the church trying to figure out how to open my backpack and bandage myself. I never figured it out and died lol.

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I just started the game like 10 minutes ago. I was hiding in the building I spawned in to read all the controls when someone else came walking in with me. I had just spawned and didn't have anything and they started hitting me with a crowbar so I took off running. They chased me for about 5 minutes while we picked up maybe 10-15 zombies chasing as well. Finally I remembered you could climb over fences with V from reading some of the controls and managed to lose the person chasing me (I guess they didn't know how to climb the fence). Anyways, she stopped at the fence for a second trying to figure out how to get over and all the zombies killed her. I managed to lose the 1-2 zombies still following me by running into a church and going prone. I was bleeding out so I laid in the church trying to figure out how to open my backpack and bandage myself. I never figured it out and died lol.

Press "g" to open your inventory. There should be an item in there called "bandage". Right click it and press "bandage wounds" or something like that. To open your backpack, click on the backpack in your inventory. One of the buttons on the bottom of the inventory screen should then say "open backpack". Press that. If you are picking up an item, it will actually open a new inventory. If you are just looking at yours, the items in your backpack will appears as items you can pick up.

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On my first ever life, I spawned near a small coastal town (try'd locating it on a map on teh interwebz but I couldn't find it) and I met up with some other new guy, we were about to go in for loot, when a zombie starts chasing me and we get separated. I haven't seen him since.

After a close encounter with some bandits who chased me into the ocean, (lost my patrol pack) I start scavenging. I found a hatchet and some Pepsi, which I drank to save my life (water was flashing) I look around some more and some zombie starts chasing me and hits me, I kill the zombie and bandage myself up (11000 blood left) and I kill another zombie unharmed, hoping there is some beans on him, which there is not. Another encounter with zombies brings me down to 9500 blood.

I was just outside of the town with my food red, but not flashing. I have already survived about 75 minutes, above the average of 49. I left the game there. When I joined again the next day, I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing. It didn't save my game. I understand it's an alpha, so I cheerily went on another adventure that day from fresh, but that's for another day :)

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Started today, i spawned at night, with a flashlight that wouldn't work (possibly no batteries? either that or 'L' isn't actually the flashlight button) , and everything was dark O.o , So dark :'(

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My 1st time playing (last night) I was about 15-20 mins in to the game and I came across some time of castle looking building, I was at the top of the tallest building picking up some blue light sticks and what not and I was going down stairs and I feel off the stair and broke a leg and I saw more pain killers up on the next level after I fell and I walking up the stairs to see another play have his aim on me and it all ended.

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