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i was kicked off US 905 for combat logging but the only reason i combat logged was because a hacked spawned himself behind me and shot me.. i wasnt going to be killed by a hacker! then my best mates had a car and while they were driving and then they got kicked and there car was stolen.. i advise DO NOT GO ON THIS SERVER! admins r assholes, they let hackers in, they kick u for no reason! SHIT ASS SERVER!

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well i play on that server.. from time to time not going back now...

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I'm one of Kearnzy's friends that the car was stolen from and I can tell the names of the admin's clan and 2 members that were hacking, firstly my friend (the driver of the car) was kicked from the game directly after we were shot at by someone on the side of the road. I was also kicked off the game 1 second after he was kicked so the car was left unattended. When we spawned back in the car was gone so we figured maybe it was back where we saved it but until we could check the car came flying past us, so I fired a mag into it and it exploded, the driver was kicked from the car and passed out next to it so naturally I killed him. (he was the person that shot at us from the side of the road, I could tell from the Makarov he had on him and his character's vest) 2 seconds later another one of their clan members teleported next to the car, so I shot at him and killed him, he spawned back at the car another 2 seconds later and I killed him again and then all of the sudden I'm surrounded by the admin of the server and his 2 clan members all shooting at me and that's when I combat logged.

The name of the admin was:


and his 2 accomplices:

iLLx Technique


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I just am reading this....... the sedan you were in was ALLLLLLLL red... you physically cant drive a car thats all red, and people that do get removed from my server. you were removed from the server because of this. i do not kick for the the simple fact you had a car i love it if others have cars it mean we have somebody to fight us. that was also the day 5 heli's were spawned in on the server. so if there is an issue with my server or me in general feel free to contact me. im not a dick, and if you were removed wrongfully and have proof i will formally apologize. The aboslute only reason my server boots is if you ping is above 200, and that automatic with the server

Edited by iLLxTyphus

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also one more thing i dont allow hackers on my server, i banned a buddie i play with because of that, i told him to stop and he didn't so he got the boot.

Last edit- please Accuse me of hacking i will post unaltered logs from my server to prove im not

Edited by iLLxTyphus

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