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crooK (DayZ)

US123 Cheating with video/livestream capture!

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I logged into US123 and was immediately shot in the back. Then i went to kill the people that shot me to get my stuff back. They proceeded to call my location everytime i spawned. They then turned me into a female character, a rabbit, a boar, and then gave me an inventory full of weapons, which were similar to the ones they original took from me. I think they realized i was livestreaming/recording my gameplay and wanted to make amends. I caught two of the players names and it was staypiss3d and Zan. This all happened bettwen 1:00-1:35am est on July 22, 2012 on server US123.

here is a link to my live stream and where i highlighted the 13minutes of them turning me into various different objects in the game:


~1:44:00: they say they are going to kill me.

~1:47:30: they turn me into a female

~1:53:20: i aim at Zan and staypiss3d.

~2:01:00: they turn me into a rabbit.

~2:04:40: they turn me into a boar.

~2:08:10: they give me weapons and i go through the player list on US123.

Edited by crooK

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