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Is it the servers or is it me?

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Bought Arma 2: CO off of Amazon, patched to the latest version. Only two times I was able to connect successfully to a game (couldn't even see), either I'm receiving data that hangs up at around 90% completion, the awaiting server response, or I just fail to connect in the first place after I try to join from the server list.

Kind of a bummer since I only bought the game for DayZ.

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Likewise, though I was able to play the game for a couple of days. Now I get the Waiting for server response on every single server I try to join.

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for the receiving data you just have to sit there and wait. very long load times for this game. for the waiting for server response that is a database server issue and it is known. you have to wait or try to join a server that is still connected to the database. and the last issue sounds like the server just crashed when you tried to join it.

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