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US 1046 - Admins kicking to protect their vehicles

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The [HF] players have provided screenshots and video to corroborate their story. All you've provided is your word that your logs on your server look fishy. Excuse some of us for drawing conclusions from this.

It's also odd that your stance fluctuates between "I see your chat and connections" and "you dont show up at all".

Chat/connections/disconnections are in a seperate log file. Actions and deaths and loot and scripts are in another.

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....suspicuous behavior.

you can't ban people for "suspicious behavior" (you spelled it wrong btw)

this is always a problem when there's hacks in a game. suddenly everything "suspicious" looks like a hack. but it's a slippery slope. unless you have real proof, you shouldn't be acting on it

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Its actually too bad for you guys. We would have been a good group to have as regulars on your server. We are active, don't hack and don't sit in Cherno sniping noobs. Too bad you cared more about your vehicles than good/fair gaming. I mean, we drove YOUR motorcycles up to your camp. You can see it sitting there in the video.

At this point I could care less if you unban me. Your server is shit and was lagging bad anyways.

The only good that might come of this is if Rocket realizes private servers are not the way to go in the long run. Hell, Id be happy to pay $5-$15 a month for official managed servers without BS like this.

Edited by Lexxer
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I would normally sit out of these sort of discussions, yet the childish behavior has lead me to respond.

1. Drove what motorcycle? there was 4 of you, how did you fit on one two wheeler?

2. Fraps, while they do serve a purpose, this is the fox news of fraps. Showing the part of finding the camp, yet showed nothing up until that point. The only vehicle that wasn't a car was an ATV, which one of you attempted to drive, and when i shot you, you dced. The fraps show only half of the battle....

3. The ban did not occur until the next day, the kicks began when you dced off the ATV which is clear violation of our server.(We took no loot)

4. Our admin has went out of his way in my opinion responding to you

5. Not one of us disconnected, we actually dced moments prior to you entering our camp, and the fact that the vehicles were taken/destroyed has nothing to do with it, hence the point of the game. So infact we LOADED into the game....(including myself)

6.This situation clearly shows that our admins should use fraps, after seeing such a terrible attempt to use it as evidence.

7. And finally, if our actions, which were done in good faith, to prevent players from abusing exploits, ie, dcing during combat, etc,, and if that server is blacklisted due to those actions, then so be it. You talk of justice, yet your actions towards our admin would show otherwise. If the powers that be demand your unbanning, then you will be, if those powers decide blacklist us, i will buy another server, and ban you again. We hope that others will look past a few idiots, who try to use shreds of evidence to weave their lie, and come to our server and have a good time, and enjoy the honest experience that is, Day Z.

Edited by Thehooligan

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I am an admin who got busted for abusing my powers and I'm pretty upset about it

Fix'd that for ya. Also:

if those powers decide blacklist us, i will buy another server, and ban you again

Have fun getting your server blacklisted over and over for illegal banning.

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2. Fraps, while they do serve a purpose, this is the fox news of fraps. Showing the part of finding the camp, yet showed nothing up until that point. The only vehicle that wasn't a car was an ATV, which one of you attempted to drive, and when i shot you, you dced. The fraps show only half of the battle....

He didn't DC during a battle, we were all admin kicked. So if you kicked us because of a "DC during battle" but the "DC during battle" was from an admin kick...... ???

1. Drove what motorcycle? there was 4 of you, how did you fit on one two wheeler?

Obviously from the video, Lex and myself were on one motorcycle. Atropa was on the other motorcycle, and Garful and Priceless were 2k meters away in different directions.

Edited by kyriel
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Hooligan you are a tard.

Did you even watch/listen to the video. We had two motorcycles which I can only assume we took from your 2 guys since there was a naked guy running back up to your camp that we killed. You can see it at the start of the video...2 of us drove on that motorcycle. The other person "Atropa" was on the other one also looking for your camp in a different area. He asks where to park the other motorcycle.

The two other guys were on foot and asked for locs and gave thier distance.

That battle went on for a good hour. We killed a few , you guys killed a few. It wasnt until you were all dead and you feared for your vehicles that the admin bans started coming down.


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Again, wrong. I wasnt in the battle, i came in after my friends were dead. Someone walked up to it, looted it, tried to ride, and I shot.... We didn't know it was even you guys(HF) until you dc'd. So, through your dc'ing is how I found out who you were, so, if you hadn't quit as we fought, we would of never known if was you...The fact that you are lying about being kicked, clearly shows that your lying about this whole situation...which is sad. Please, I hope you enjoy the game, as Rocket has created a great mod, but, sorry, you won't be playing it on our server.

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Go read the admin logs. We didn't disconnect, we were admin kicked. THAT is why we "left during battle". So please tell me how when we "disconnected" is how you found out it was us, when the only reason we "left during battle" is due to the first admin kick. That doesn't make any sense.

And you're talking about Priceless who was on the ATV when he got shot at. Listen to our conversation at 4:04 in the first video. "I'm fucking shell shocked. They fucking disconnected me so, I'll prolly come back in all fucked up, i'll have to join another server"

Of course we won't be playing it on your server :D

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So.. you disconnected durring combat? Which when you load up says its bannable.

No, you retard, your admin kicked him. He decided not to log back in after being kicked because he figured your admin was standing there with a gun to his head,

He never would have disconnected. We don't do that shit.

Could you please post the evidence from your logs of us hacking for all to see? If my guys are hacking, I want everyone to see it. You said you have it. That's what these forums are for. If you have evidence, please post it now so they can be removed from our clan.

Otherwise, you know, you're probably just full of shit and making excuses so you don't get blacklisted. Ya know?

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Otherwise, you know, you're probably just full of shit and making excuses so you don't get blacklisted. Ya know?

So how many excuses do they have now?

Here's a quote from a private message I received from the admin

The clan consists of real life friends. None of them hack or would even know how. If you guys are what you say you then i am truely sorry for banning you and the entire misunderstanding. I want honest and fun players. I dont know if they know how to correctly identify hacking or not, shit im still trying to. They kicked you because they for-real, 100% thought you were hacking. It has absolutly nothing to do with you either killing them or getting gear or blowing up the cars.

The accounts im told is that theres no way you guys could have found the camp that fast, or came back so fast after being killed. They say if you guys were following them how come none fo them could see and or hear you. They said they had quite litterly jsut set the camp up and that you were there within a min.

But then hooligan says:

3. The ban did not occur until the next day, the kicks began when you dced off the ATV which is clear violation of our server.(We took no loot)

So which is it? You thought we were hacking? Or because we disconnected during battle due to your admin kick?

Edited by kyriel
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I would normally sit out of these sort of discussions, yet the childish behavior has lead me to respond.

1. Drove what motorcycle? there was 4 of you, how did you fit on one two wheeler?

2. Fraps, while they do serve a purpose, this is the fox news of fraps. Showing the part of finding the camp, yet showed nothing up until that point. The only vehicle that wasn't a car was an ATV, which one of you attempted to drive, and when i shot you, you dced. The fraps show only half of the battle....

3. The ban did not occur until the next day, the kicks began when you dced off the ATV which is clear violation of our server.(We took no loot)

4. Our admin has went out of his way in my opinion responding to you

5. Not one of us disconnected, we actually dced moments prior to you entering our camp, and the fact that the vehicles were taken/destroyed has nothing to do with it, hence the point of the game. So infact we LOADED into the game....(including myself)

6.This situation clearly shows that our admins should use fraps, after seeing such a terrible attempt to use it as evidence.

7. And finally, if our actions, which were done in good faith, to prevent players from abusing exploits, ie, dcing during combat, etc,, and if that server is blacklisted due to those actions, then so be it. You talk of justice, yet your actions towards our admin would show otherwise. If the powers that be demand your unbanning, then you will be, if those powers decide blacklist us, i will buy another server, and ban you again. We hope that others will look past a few idiots, who try to use shreds of evidence to weave their lie, and come to our server and have a good time, and enjoy the honest experience that is, Day Z.

Hi. Please post the logs where we disconnect or shut the fuck up.

Your admins kicked us, we didn't disconnect.

No more fucking claims. Post the logs, or walk away with your tail between your legs until BIS finally finds the time to investigate this.

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I like how every person just assumes that every admin is just abusing power.

You are an admin, you are in a position of power and people have every right to accuse you have being abusive.

It's your responsibility as an admin to GIVE THEM NO REASON to say you are an abusive admin, even if they were hacking, alt+F4ing and causing problems.

You however, seem to have no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise. In this case it seems you have fallen under what people think an "abusive admin" is. You banned multiple players based on opinions, attempted to counter after their post with a hacking claim of your own and have made no attempt to rectify the situation. You also used offensive language and gave [HF] every reason to create this thread

Being involved in many administration issues, I understand your frustration. You have the ability to 'have the last laugh' and when people get under your skin, it's always tempting.

You can't deny that what you've done is at best, unreasonable, at worst, a complete abuse of power.

Also the attitude that "this is right until a developer personally says it's wrong" is a cheap way of saying that "What I am doing is wrong and I know it"

Use your conflict management and be a man.

Lift the ban, hand out apologies for being trigger happy and then encourage them back onto your server.

If all goes well, you'll get the opportunity to teabag their corpse.

Edited by Graz
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encourage them back onto your server.

Not a chance :)

Also let me clarify how we found your camp so quickly (without hacking).

We watched your bus and blue van (1 guy in each vehicle) travel North up the road past Lopatino. There is nothing up there but woods and a dirt road. Taking the bus on a dirt road = painful (Ive done it).

We figured you were dropping off loot and would head back down. I set up an ambush. Five minutes later 2 guys drive back down the road on motorcycles. I killed them both. Hence, we had 2 motorcycles.

Given that the bus travels at walking speed off the main roads we figured you must have parked it close off the road. We sent one motorcycle up the east side of the road, and one up the west side. We found the bus, and your camp….quickly.

<-SMRT (but not a hacker).

Edited by Lexxer
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We found the bus, and your camp….quickly.

<-SMRT (but not a hacker).

Baby blue doesn't camouflage in a green forest very well, either. They weren't even half hidden in trees.

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No more fucking claims. Post the logs, or walk away with your tail between your legs until BIS finally finds the time to investigate this.


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