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Atlanta 73

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I would like an explanation from the server admins...

Me and 2 friends of mine ran into 4 tents near old fields. We've looted what we needed and destroyed the barracks. After 15mins, there was a server restart. We ran back to the tents, they've respawned again and we did the same thing - looted and destroyed. Then, on our way to Gorka, 15mins after looting and destroying the tents, suddenly there was something like an explosion and killed me and one of my friends. The other one, keep running and got hit by the same explosion short after that...

We respawned, headed back to our tents, and our best weapons weren't there.

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I can have the admin's look at the logs, but i know there was atleast one hacker on last nite that i ran into.. spawning car's and you couldn't kill him.

The server did restart last nite to because of frozen zombies..

Edited by Anttwan

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Yes, if you could have the admin's look at the logs then please, do so.

I really enjoy playing at atlanta 73... But it's really annoying to play for a long time to just get killed by some sort of explosion out of nowhere, loosing high end weapons and ammo...

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The only restart last night was one that was given with a 3 minute warning and that was around, 7 pm est and that was was due to seeing frozen zombies. Of the 2 admins, 1 didn't play at all last night, the other was with me and I can say with 100% certainty we went after no tents of any kind and only killed 1 person and that kill was with a rifle. As Antwann said there was a hacker on that got removed but that doesn't mean there wasn't another on at another time. It was with 100% certainty not admin abuse. It's not possible to use some magical admin powers to make players explode, that's a cheater using something battleye will ban him/her for eventually when it gets around to it.

I'm going to get the admin to add the steam group to the server messages so there is another method to report this stuff that can get more prompt responses. We can't stand the hackers and want them the hell off the server as quickly as possible but the in-game tools for dealing with this short of it happening to the admin are piss-poor. You can't even tell him something is happening and ask him to at least check it out in real-time in the game.

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I see... Probaly it was this fucking hacker then. It's so ridiculous when people start messing the server using this kind of cheats/hacks or w/e it is.

Well, thanks for the explanation.

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The steam group is up, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/atlanta73. If you see a problem you want to report leave a comment there and one of the admins will hop into some kind of chat with you to find out details if one is around. If nobody is around one of us could at least look back through the logs to figure out what went down and take any appropriate action. Names, screenshots, videos, anything that can help find and ban these fucktards would be awesome.

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admin abuse

send in a ticket to have their server blacklisted

Please read the sticky on the server forums about what admins can and cant do instead of making torch and pitchfork accusations, neither of the things mentioned are capable by admins (aside server restart).

I would like an explanation from the server admins...

Me and 2 friends of mine ran into 4 tents near old fields. We've looted what we needed and destroyed the barracks. After 15mins, there was a server restart. We ran back to the tents, they've respawned again and we did the same thing - looted and destroyed. Then, on our way to Gorka, 15mins after looting and destroying the tents, suddenly there was something like an explosion and killed me and one of my friends. The other one, keep running and got hit by the same explosion short after that...

We respawned, headed back to our tents, and our best weapons weren't there.

The rest was already answerd by Anttwan and Schleppy but as far as Tents go thats an issue with DayZ itself for as long as i can remember. If you destroy a tent even if it has gear in it, it will just pop back up on server restart with everything in it. As far as what could kill you deffintley was likely a hacker, or maybe a satchel charge or grenade possibly.

So far on the server weve only had to ban 1 hacker and a hand full of dupe exploiters. If you see any fishy play please do either PM me on the forums or send something in the steam group so I can look into it.

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admin abuse

send in a ticket to have their server blacklisted

Restarting the server doesnt ever respawn items server updates to the hive constantly and Admins dont have the power to blow up people or respawn gear or even see where you are. All this will do is get someones server blacklisted for a hackers actions. Keep messing with all the server host and costing people money for BS and soon watch how hard it is to find a server to play on.

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We'll keep an eye on hackers. Anything i find i'll let you know.

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