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US 853 - 7:50pm PST Player "Luunna" with G36c-SD

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On US 853 at 7:50pm PST I killed player "Luunna" who was in possession of the following:


4x G36 SD Mags

4x Stanag SD Mags

Smoke Nade

Water Bottle (Empty)

Pasta Can

2 Bandages

Coyote Patrol Pack

I took a few hits from Luunna on the opposite side of the church, moved to cover and once bandaged, flanked their position and successfully dropped Luunna.

Video shows kill confirm in bottom left along with body study for player name.

Now, I understand that some players will procure these items off of the people who actually spawned the "out of Day Z weapons", but I'll be damned if I'm not going to document and submit a ticket anyway.

Video link below.

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I was actually there when this happened. I am not in the video ( I was behind the guy filming this, trying to sneak up on him), but I was playing with Luunna and his brother (I can't remember his in-game name), and after we killed this guy (the filmer). I picked up the g36c-SD. I didn't know it didn't belong in Day Z or I wouldn't have used it, but he definitely did have it. He also spawned himself a UAZ two days ago while we were playing, and when I confronted them about it, they said that there was nothing wrong with doing this, and they have hacked in several games before and don't care that they do it.

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