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Rocket: Come and watch your baby in the hands of some capable streamers

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Hello Rocket and everyone in the community.

If you have any downtime and feel like checkin' out some quality squad gameplay by some excellent folks, I have to suggest watching Sacriel, Oshi7, DaSquirrelsnuts, and Axemanandy. The end up in some very interesting/exciting situations which normally take place at Stary Sobor/NW Airfield.

They have their own designated roles and perform very well at it, and on top of that they (and I) are totally against D/C'ing in a fight, they fight to the death...honorably. These guys are NOT making videos of sniping noobs in Cherno/Electro for shits and giggles (which i guess can be enjoyable for some), They engage in solid combat situations and to me, is way more entertaining/exhilirating than LOLsniping.

If you are interested in watching and supporting good players please check them out. Lately, I have been watching them stream more than I actually play. If there are downtimes in combat, they will frequently interact and chat with their viewers, and will even sit around and bullshit with them after the stream ends. Just good guys.

Thanks all,


Here are some links to their streams and youtube.

Sacriel: http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel


Oshi7: http://www.own3d.tv/Oshi7


Dasquirrelsnuts: http://www.twitch.tv/dasquirrelsnuts


Axemanandy: http://www.own3d.tv/...ndy/live/348120

Edited by ahyokata
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I love to watch Sacriel, Oshi7 and Squirrel. Epic bunch of guys.

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Right on Skepy, I'll check it out.

Tonights stream from sacriel had a pretty assault on stary sobor where oshi and sacriel stormed/flanked the big metal barn near the tents!

Edited by ahyokata

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