Flying Mathias 18 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Too soon.....If he used a picture of a murderer from a story five years ago, many people wouldn't recognize him. It had to be someone from a recent story. Edited July 22, 2012 by Flying Mathias Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codeine 3 Posted July 22, 2012 If this was a real life situation i was in i wouldnt KOS, id be more focused on trying to maintain the human species. But in DayZ if you dont KOS you will be shot and killed.Not 10 mins ago i was in a house with someone he was upstairs, i was below him i was telling him i have no weapons and im friendly in direct com, so i started looking around for items and got shot in the back. for what, 1 bandage?I really liked the game when bandit skins where in. It kinda discouraged people to KOS coz they'd be then turned into a bandit and will get shot at by almost anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munx 1 Posted July 22, 2012 we don't go around killing each other because we have been conditioned to think its wrong?this is wrong, if this was infact the case civilization would've never happened as the stone ages would've been a free for all clobbering match.Fact is not even animals driven by primal instincts generally kill just to kill, not even animals of diffrent species..They kill to feed, to establish dominance, out of no the current state of dayZ pvp is not realistic at all, by any standards.. but that is to be expected, its a alpha afterall. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P5ykoOHD 63 Posted July 22, 2012 Well it's unrealistic to shoot off "site" ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P5ykoOHD 63 Posted July 22, 2012 we don't go around killing each other because we have been conditioned to think its wrong?this is wrong, if this was infact the case civilization would've never happened as the stone ages would've been a free for all clobbering match.Fact is not even animals driven by primal instincts generally kill just to kill, not even animals of diffrent species..They kill to feed, to establish dominance, out of no the current state of dayZ pvp is not realistic at all, by any standards.. but that is to be expected, its a alpha afterall.The lack of Wars, killing eachother has led our civilisation to have no natural predators, hence no birth controle ...Killing is part of life, now earth is overpopulated, and our planet is suffering.Quit the carebear shit, yeah this is just a game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valtiel (DayZ) 6 Posted July 22, 2012 My God you're an asshole. You'd really compare what happened in Aurora to this mod?You're not invoking discussion, you're trying to paint the people who kill you in this game as evil. That fact that you'd even compare the two speaks volumes about you and it's insulting to those who lost loved ones or had to see a child with gunshot wounds.I'm disgusted that you even exist. Butthurt nerds will be butthurt nerds I suppose. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-75th rang-SMA 0 Posted July 22, 2012 It's a fucking game, people are going to kill just because they can, get over it or get out, your choice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highpanda 3 Posted July 22, 2012 It sucks but I've taken that as a part of the game, still I don't intend to shoot to kill if I would have to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highpanda 3 Posted July 22, 2012 If this was a real life situation i was in i wouldnt KOS, id be more focused on trying to maintain the human species. But in DayZ if you dont KOS you will be shot and killed.Not 10 mins ago i was in a house with someone he was upstairs, i was below him i was telling him i have no weapons and im friendly in direct com, so i started looking around for items and got shot in the back. for what, 1 bandage?I really liked the game when bandit skins where in. It kinda discouraged people to KOS coz they'd be then turned into a bandit and will get shot at by almost anyone. Don't trust anyone is one of my DayZ rule, you should follow that to then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X1Alpha2 10 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) It is... Everyone who can write in this forum has no problem of surviving irl, cause its so fucking hard to die in the modern world. I live in germany here, even if you dont work (no matter if u cant or wont) the goverment gives you enough money to buy food and pays you a small apartment. The basics of living are just givin to you thanks to civilitation, but if it would break like in a zombie apokalypse everyone would be on his own again trying too survive kill or be killed, dont think so good of humanity all those charity organisations just exist cause we have more than we need. 98% of people IRL are assholes when given enough power without consequenses they will kill or humanilate. I rather be an asshole ingame then IRL cause its a fucking game anyway, also all of you who got faith in humanity, better hope there is no downfall of civilitation, cause you will be shocked then. Edited July 22, 2012 by X1Alpha2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barronism 88 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Get all the facts before jumping to conclusions.The shooter work for a DoD funded research faculity that performed neological experiments. (Mind control?)The police said he kicked in the door to the theater screen exit. You and I know good and well you can't do that. It is a one way steel door with an enterior lock. To get in the exit someone has to let you in.A witness said their was a man in the theater on the phone and it seemed as if they were taking instructions.The shooter father is linked to DARPA.The UN small arms treaty is about to go to Congress to be voted on. It starts with global registration. Then ends with confiscations. No more second amendment.He was an unemployeed med student. Where did he get $20,000 in specialize military/police gear. For example, the tear gas grenades. Only cops and soldiers have access to these.How many times have plots like this been stopped by the FBI. Then a month later you find out the FBI contacted the attacker, supplied them with weapons, and pushed them to perform an act so they can stop them. (google it for news reports)The theater is miles down the street from Columbine High School. Why this town again?That town has the most strict gun laws in the state from Columbine.After shooting everyone he willful gave up to the police. If he thought he was the Joker is that what he would do?That's just the start of it. Just remember you will NEVER get the truth from television news.I disagree, I'm sure if I looked into it. I could make it look like McDonalds was behind the shooting. With any vague evidence I find, which might not even be evidence, I can paint what ever picture I choose. This is how Yellow media works. It is about bending the truth to look the way you want it to.Families usually have family ties, this means that the father working for DoD will have been able to get this son hired in most cases. So it makes sense if not perfect sense that both family members worked for the DoD.I'm an Ex-Soldier, during my time I meet Dozens upon dozens of soldiers who had family currently working for or in the armed services. Or that at one point in time served also. If one of them went loco and started shooting people. Some one, some where, would point out that more than one family member was working for the DoD. I've also heard terrible stories of soldiers losing their minds, one really gruesome one where a soldier took his infant baby, grabbed its feet and slammed its head into the walls of his basement. He said he was using the child as a paintbrush. PTSD is caused by very tramatic events, that even civilians can get. Not defending the sick SOB who shot those people in Aurora, but we have no idea what his life has been like or what hes done prior to this. So to assume its a government conspiracy is in itself down right low.Do you know how many people use their cell phones in the movie theater? Go to the movies and stand in the back, Tell me you don't see at least 30 cell phone lights on during the previews. I know I use my phone. That is why movies always have the "Please silence or turn off your cell phones".I too thought it weird that the exit door wasn't locked or shut from the inside, but I've been in many different theaters and I've seen people go out them and come back in them. It is highly possible he let himself out, got his equipment and came right back in.The tighter the laws get, the more some people feel the need to break them. Isn't there a saying about that? Tight hands and rebellion. "The more you tighten your grip, the more people will slip through your fingers" Something like that. So a town with already strict laws will make more people interested in breaking them, or buying guns. Just to feel that slight victory over the law.$20,000 in military gear? He had 4 weapons, some CS gas and a gas mask from what I'm reading. CS gas is cheap, we're talking $20-50 a can for smaller ones. He had an AR-15, you can get those under $1000, a Remington 870, you can go to walmart and probably get one for $400, and two glocks are under $400 each, the gask mask for a cheap one is like $50-100. So he could of easily spent only $2200 or so for the lot. Hmmm, $20,000 or $2,200. You can buy all of those as a normal civilian right now. You'll probably have to be put on a waiting list to check your background, but hell you can buy them all. So don't lie about the cost man, yellow media is disgusting. With a government job he probably made around $2500-3000 a month, if he lived in a cheap apartment and didn't spend a lot, he could live off of $1000 a month and bank the other $1000-2000. Which, in the two months time he took to buy and get all those items. Was more than enough time to get the money to do it. Edited July 22, 2012 by Barronism Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gobacktogo 29 Posted July 22, 2012 comparing playerkillers in a game to a massmurderer makes you look as stupid as fox news.same goes for all the conspiracy theorists from behind their PCs. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted July 22, 2012 Most people shoot on sight because that's the only option they have right now not to lose all their hard earned gear.If rocket manages to implement the visual and audible clues to identify someone as a bandit that he has been talking about then people might relearn to hold fire and observe rather than shoot first.Agreed. Dont know why the bandit skin was taken away. It should be brought back. I have been fooled too many times. Now its kill on sight for me until something gets added to determine if the player is a bandit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jean Jacques Serrault 37 Posted July 22, 2012 Agreed. Dont know why the bandit skin was taken away. It should be brought back. I have been fooled too many times. Now its kill on sight for me until something gets added to determine if the player is a bandit.I dunno what Rocket's thinking by removing the bandit skin but... Would a cold blooded killer got a huge nametag saying I'm a killer on his forehead automatically irl? Nope. They remain the same physically just like other normal people. It's just their mentality got broken and broken. Not something that can be seen by eyes.Also, FYI... When you point your gun towards a bandit, you can hear a heartbeat which means you're allowed to kill him. I dunno if this feature has been removed or not, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted July 22, 2012 I dunno what Rocket's thinking by removing the bandit skin but... Would a cold blooded killer got a huge nametag saying I'm a killer on his forehead automatically irl? Nope. They remain the same physically just like other normal people. It's just their mentality got broken and broken. Not something that can be seen by eyes.I don't mind not being able to recognize who's a bandit and who's not. I mind however how there is no downside of shooting people on sight. Adding "psychological" downside of being a serial killer would make people think twice before pulling the trigger. Of course that couldn't be too harsh, just enough to make half of the people to think "do I really need to kill that guy?" before pulling the trigger.Also, FYI... When you point your gun towards a bandit, you can hear a heartbeat which means you're allowed to kill him. I dunno if this feature has been removed or not, though.Yeah from like 10 meters. Good luck checking if that sniper is a bandit or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xRoyce 0 Posted July 22, 2012 Welcome to PvP. Quit whining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Some simple questions for the "kill on sight = survive" folks:1) Did killing on sight in DayZ actually result in you surving? Did you never die this way?2) Let's assume death is really permanent: If all players of 1 server cooperated, and all players of another server killed on sight - which server would win a war beween the 2 servers?3) Over time, civilization trumped random killing. Why do you think that happened?4) Name a few examples from history where a breakdown of laws/society/civilization actually resulted in KoS. Edited July 22, 2012 by SamSpam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Some simple questions for the "kill on sight = survive" folks:1) Did killing on sight in DayZ actually result in you surving? Did you never die this way?Yeah we die that way but much less if we try to talk to people or let them roam around us and get shot when they see us.2) Let's assume death is really permanent: If all players of 1 server cooperated, and all players of another server killed on sight - which server would win a war beween the 2 servers?What does it have to do with anything? There's never going to be anything like that. Unrelevant scenario.3) Over time, civilization trumped random killing. Why do you think that happened?People and supplies didn't respawn?4) Name a few examples from history where a breakdown of laws/society/civilization actually resulted in KoS.I don't think anybody has done it yet but what do you think would happen if you'd put a bunch of people without conscience (since we don't sympathize with frags) in an enclosed environment with limited supplies and guns lying here and there?This game needs some kind of encouragement for grouping and disencouragement for killing. Edited July 22, 2012 by SillySil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xero66 26 Posted July 22, 2012 I may die shooting on sight. But not shooting results in me dieing without a fight.Yes, i died because i opened fire on 2 guys (which i could easily kill, the sniper in the woods got me after i made a big mistake).If i hadnt shot them maybe i would have lived and my gear was still on me. But having this adrenaline rush and "the shakes" because of that intense shit was surely worth dieing.No other game does that to me (except eve online). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsurotu 16 Posted July 22, 2012 you're one sick motherfucker OP.Not cool. I may shoot people on sight in a game, but youre the kind of twisted individual who seems to think that computer games are real. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legacy (DayZ) 1091 Posted July 22, 2012 What is this thread accomplishing? You compare DayZ suggestions to a real life killer? Where is the logic in that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elliotle 6 Posted July 22, 2012 He is merely dismantling the stale argument the scumbag bandits use that "if it were a real zombie apocalypse then everybody would kill on sight" and causing them to justify being an asshole with some other lame excuse that he can then dismantle. The ultimate goal being for you to realize that deep down you are truly shitty human beings for ruining other gamers' experiences and this mod.Can't wait for War Z. Sounds more realistic than this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thehumandove 344 Posted July 22, 2012 Ever see The Road? That was more or less shoot on sight. It's difficult to feed more mouths, and you'll never know someones intentions in a post apocalyptic world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izziee 128 Posted July 22, 2012 "Realism" when thrown in a post-apocalyptic scenario is hard to fathom. Jus'sayin. "Realism" when thrown in a post-apocalyptic scenario is hard to fathom. Jus'sayin. I know you're "Jus'sayin" I saw you say it. It's right there in bold (Self entitled more important post or?"). There's really no need to tell us you're jus'sayin when we can all clearly see you saying it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 22, 2012 In a real life scenario, 99.9% of you all would be dead because I am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to handle the situation.Your idea that we arent much more advanced then gorillas is wrong though. People don't go around killing each other like animals because we have been conditioned to think it is wrong. your both wrong gorillas are pretty none aggressive, its about displays of strength not actual violence, unsuprisingly were more like chimpanzees our closest extant realtive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites