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which server company to go through?

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HFB is fine but many people are crying about them. They just need more staff and give us back Admin Privledges. Vilayer are pretty expensive but they're pretty good from what I've heard.

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I haven't had tickets or emails responded to from HFB in over a week, our server has been unplayable for nearly 3 weeks (characters do not save). I finally got someone on their TS channel to respond and manually update our HIVE (as that was broken too), but it hasn't solved the issue. I was billed 4 times in one month, had my server shut down for non-payment (though we have a receipt of payment several days previous), the ability to manually update the files was recently revoked, also the TS support was abandoned as well, almost all HFB servers are currently down and it took over 24 hours for them to update to the latest beta - which didn't really matter for us either because our server is broken.

You can say that I am "crying" about them, but if you look at my post history (before these last couple weeks), I was the most vocal supporter of them on these forums. Yes, I have made a lot of posts recently, but I will continue to do so until they even acknowledge a ticket or email.

Edited by Phisher

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Get a dedicated server..


I just got my dedicated server whitelisted. I'm planning on offering Day Z servers for customers.

Good luck. You will have to get every server white listed.

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Wouldnt go near hfb till they get everything sorted out there end.

Been 5 so far days tryin to resolv broken server time script (it was off by 12 hours, now its like 5h30mins off by)

and a broken control panel showing wrong server info / stats.

Tickets went from server time = right -> log timestamps are wrong -> oh there is an issue with timezone script.

I am assuming they got some servers with earlier os than 2008 rc2 that didnt inital support tzutil

Was meant to be fixed like 1-2 days ago, during some downtime maintance never happened...

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personally, I would recommend Vilayer. Within 10 minutes of us talking to them and paid for the server, we were on it playing with everything working perfectly. Here's 2 things that'll help you far if you decide to go with them:

the website


their teamspeak


they've been there to help us at any given time so far. Sure, sometimes they are busy, but that is to be expected

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Not sure why so many people are renting slotted servers when you can rent a box for about the same price.

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I rent from Vilayer and my recommendation is to go dedicated.

DayZ managed server providers do not have the resources to provide good service at this time.

You'll avoid many a headache going dedicated.

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I can also I do recommend Vilayer, I can only speak for myself ofc.

I had my server up and running in less then an hour but they are setting each server up manually so some servers take longer from what ive being reading on the forum. I never had any problems with the server, the only problem that I had with them is that they did patch the servers without sending a email announcing it, but they did take my idea of emailing people 15min prior to the patch up as a gd idea. So they are taking ideas in to in proof the service and are working on it to in proof the service.

Edited by Chauz

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well i only pay 25€ for a 50 slot server.

also you dont have to pay until your server is up and you can connect to it.

if the server is running and you dont pay within 1-2 days (depends on the country u living), the server get blocked.

also, you dont have direct access to the server, but thats no problem for me because in dayz you cant do much as an admin of a server.

you have BERcon access and thats it.

Updating is pretty fast because my provider dont have much customers and dont want to have a lot.

another plus is that i dont have to pay 70€ for the same thing...

i only pay 25€ and can play on my server, thats it, very easy

Edited by Froud

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Not sure why so many people are renting slotted servers when you can rent a box for about the same price.

Where? Cheapest dedicated I've found with decent specs is about $130 a month... Slotted are going from $35-65.

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beware of server4you!!

great machine prices but you dont have "unlimited traffic" as they said!

if ur traffic is more than 65GB within 2 days, they will reduce your bandwith to 10mbit/s ! DayZ needs up to 1,5TB a month, a 50 Slots server currently use up to 45GB per day!

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Thanks, nice list... However, I notice that for any "3GHZ+" processor, or one with specs comparable, we are still looking at $100+ a month. How well will an Athlon X2 4200, for example, run single or multiple Arma2 servers??? I'd love to switch to dedi at similar cost but concerned about CPU. Thanks for any insight.

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how many servers do you want to have? and how much access do you want to have?

because my provider only costs 25€ for a 50Slot server

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how many servers do you want to have? and how much access do you want to have?

because my provider only costs 25€ for a 50Slot server

1 or 2 servers and I want dedi so I can prune my logs, control my scripts.txt detection, update my own patches, add BEC and set the time zone myself. I have a slotted server with HFB I will be shutting down at end of cycle due to lack of admin capability.

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which country?

Europe (located in Germany but very nice pings to other European Countrys)

i can recommend hetzner.de , good machine, fair unlimited traffic, no reduce

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Kimsufi 16GB plan is good enough, and it only costs around 70$. and you can run around 2 50 slotters on it.

You can check out FR 124 and see how they are doing.

I am having a bit of troubles at the moment, but overall seems good.

Edited by Dekken

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i have rented boxes at Hetzner, ill set em up and rent out the single DayZ Server´s to people who arent have the knowlege to set up a Server and keep it running.

i dont want to get rich from this cause i like it to do, like the last years.

thats the reason why im in the credits of RconGUI and BEC.

if u think u are unhappy with a big Hoster just write me an email to [email protected] if u want to get a server where someone is keeping n eye on it and not just being one of tousands.

u can check out the Server´s i run right know by filtering in mp browers host "dao.nu"

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I highly recommend getting one of these partly because they're one of if not the highest quality server hosts in North America (they're very well known in the competitive community for various games), but mainly because they're cheaper than both a slotted and dedicated server, while not having the drawbacks of a VPS. The OS is virtual, but a portion of hardware is dedicated to your OS, so there is very little actual hardware sharing involved, much of this is explained well on their page, and it's all true. They only run on the latest generation hardware and spend a lot of money improving and expanding infrastructure all the time, so the end result is a reasonably cheap and high performance DayZ server, which has been my experience. I've had my server for two years now using it for various things and would never go to any other host. Their support is also top notch, it's not uncommon for the company president to respond to support tickets with extremely helpful advice and each response is generally within 30 minutes, 24/7.

So that's pretty much my testimonial right there, and that is not an affiliate or referral link or anything like that. I'm only recommending them because of how satisfied I am, which a lot of other people sadly are not seeing with other hosts.

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