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I found a hacker and his supplies

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I was walking down the coast and spotted someone laying on one of the docks. I tried talking to him but he did not answer but I could see that he had a pretty good assault rifle of some sort and he was staring down the dock so I didn't take any chances. I got up, zig zagged down the dock and axed him to death (I feel bad). Anyways, I looted his body and he had TONS of stuff... Initially I thought maybe he got it legitimately and was for some reason camping on the dock...

Then I went back across the dock and found some sort of box. I opened it and inside was literally 100 of every single item in the game and that's when I knew that he was obviously a hacker or a hacker had been there, dropped his supplies and then the person I killed found them and was trying to protect the box. Either way, the server disconnected while I was looking through it and when I logged back in it was gone.

Is there something I should do to report this, or what?

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There is not really any rule that says you can't benefit off a hackers doings, just that you can't be hacking.

That is a lot of equipment you lost out on.

If you don't know the name of the person hacking though nor do you have proof, it's useless to report it.

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Unless you had a video of him spawning the box, then ID'ing him in some way, there's not much to enforce, as you'd also have to get his GUID from the server's administrator.

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Ah, so basically I should have just taken some supplies, haha...

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