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Laugh at my expense, I just wasted 5 hours running around.

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I've always wanted to make it to the north-western airfield, but usually lacked the supplies to be able to make the trek. When I did get the right things, I often got killed by someone shortly after. Well this time I managed to secure the goods, but I lost a fair bit of blood in the process (down to about 7,000), and had no one around to give a blood transfusion, not enough beans to restore myself fully and the one thing I was lacking for hunting were matches. I began the journey anyway. The first part of the journey was mostly successful, though every time I got chased by a zombie, I lost my sense of direction and went the wrong way. I wanted to get to Stary Sobor. Similar features in roads made me think I was somewhere I wasn't, further prompting me in the wrong direction. Below is an image mapping out where I went. Hopefully you're able to follow the blue line from start to end. The red dots show where a zombie chased me and sent me in the wrong direction.


When I realised I was back at Nadezhdino, I immediately killed myself and quit the game.

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Aw man, should have hit up Berezino miltiary tents and then NE Airfield, wouldnt have been a total loss.

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This has happened to me.. I got to the NW airfield on my second attempt, but then I got killed magically through a wall.

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