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Cron (DayZ)

Turning into a zombie? ( FR16 )

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Server : FR16

Time : ~2:30 AM GMT+1

What happened : Two friends and I were around Eletro. Two were covering the office from far away ( ~600m ) while our friend was making his way into it.

At around 2:20AM we heard someone shoot and the three of us caught the "shock" effect, at the very same time. We ignored it.

Approx. 10mins later, we all caught the same effect again and turned into zombies ( heli-crash ones ), attacking air mindlessly. ( loosing control over our characters )

We disconnected right away and logged back into another server with all our health back.

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yeah sorry about this. Many servers at the time, including FR16, received a battleye update which required a new scripts.txt (which is installed now). Since battleye needed a new scripts.txt file it renamed the old one to scripts_old.txt and thus the server started with no cheat protection. Battleye did notify server owners through RCON messages which are only seen if the admin stay logged into RCON for 30 seconds or more.

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