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SG #00 PMC Dayz Server (singapore)

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SG #00 PMC DayZ Server

Server Location : Singapore (SEA)

Server Slots : 50

Vehicles : Yes

Dayz Version :

Beta Version : 96584

IP :

Port : 2402


- Difficulty : Veteran

- 3rd person view : ON

- Crosshairs : Off

- Maxping : 200

-Death notifications : On


- Ping higher than 150 will be kicked from the game by an admin

- "Alt-F4" users to avoid death will be remembered and kicked the next time they are in the game.

- No exploiting game game glitches i.e duplication.

- Server Restarts every 9am,3pm,9pm (though server may restart randomly and without warning due to the host machine using too much memory which is out of the admins control)


- Camper Joe (owner/Admin)

- Jacques (Admin)

- (Empty slot)

- (Empty slot)

Please feel free to join and play on this server.

Donations are very welcome as this server costs £60 and is expensive to have up and running every month.

you may donate via paypal to [email protected] or click on this link ( https://www.paypal.c...d=Z3RZYMVGN7EAY )

To encourage donations to this server I have also decided to give away gift copies of games through STEAM how it works is that if the server receives more than 10 donations a month 1 game which i will display below will be gifted to the winner on steam the winner will be picked by lucky draw and the more you donate the higher your chances, for every pound you donate your name will be written on a slip of paper and put into the bowl so 10 pounds = 10 slips etc

this months game : ARMA II CO

Donations recieved this month : 5

feel free to post here about the server, but be warned if you have nothing constructive to say and are just raging and whining about something you will be ignored. :)

have a nice day and hopefully ill see some of you ingame! :D

(suggestions are welcome)







Edited by Camper-joe
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Can you enable names of players killed? This is useful for detecting mass murdering hackers.

Edited by Dayzgamersg

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Can you enable names of players killed? This is useful for detecting mass murdering hackers.

Can you enable names of players killed? This is useful for detecting mass murdering hackers.

should be on. let me know if its off again ill sort it out

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Somehow I can't login to your server, keeps loading and loading and loading and loading.

I'm still working it out, but are you guys facing this problem too?

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Somehow I can't login to your server, keeps loading and loading and loading and loading.

I'm still working it out, but are you guys facing this problem too?

no idea O.o other players seem to be able to, i restarted it, try it again, if not let me know and we will see what we can do lol

sometimes that happens to me i just keep alt f4ing or escaping and re joining till it works

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no idea O.o other players seem to be able to, i restarted it, try it again, if not let me know and we will see what we can do lol

sometimes that happens to me i just keep alt f4ing or escaping and re joining till it works

Solved it, I just needed to update my DayZ. :D

Thanks anyway Joe.

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Nothing beats the smell of gunpowder in the morning.

Anyway you should update the first post of this thread soon Joe and maybe put your Paypal address on. It'll ease things for you. :D

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Nothing beats the smell of gunpowder in the morning.

Anyway you should update the first post of this thread soon Joe and maybe put your Paypal address on. It'll ease things for you. :D

the paypal address is on? the e-mail address =P its so expensive for me to keep up single-handedly

lol added a link to the donations page anyhow, hopefully that helps it out a bit...hopefully i get a few donations every month or i might have to close the server down =(

Edited by Camper-joe

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Are there still active players on the server? Planning on trying the game for the first time today, don't want to do it alone.

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yeah sure theres at least 8-9 regulars on the server just add chad up there or message him to meet up in the server :D he can introduce you to everyone else that plays on the server

whats your steam id?

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Steam ID is Dontdrop http://steamcommunity.com/id/dontdrop , add me.

Probably will play some tonight, didn't get a chance to yesterday.

Hi i would like to play friendly,

Stream ID is artielon

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Artielon add me thanks,

playing now.


cool beans, enjoy :) my steam ID is camper-joe lol ill get round to adding you later on


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HI there.

Im new to Dayz . How do i connect to your server, cant seem to find it in my list.

IGN: omega21

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HI there.

Im new to Dayz . How do i connect to your server, cant seem to find it in my list.

IGN: omega21

haha forgot about that!

use remote connect

IP :

Port : 2402

=] ill edit the first post and put that in ;) have fun on the server

Edited by Camper-joe

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haha forgot about that!

use remote connect

IP :

Port : 2402

=] ill edit the first post and put that in ;) have fun on the server

Thanks man!

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Guys! Singapore Server SG#00 has gotten a few requests to turn 3rd Person back on so to give a fair chance we shall have a vote.

you can vote once, and ask your friends and stuff to vote to keep it off or turn it on.

click here to vote : http://freeonlinesurveys.com/app/showpoll.asp?sid=djx2w31hfb5w5ed100861&qid=100861&new=true

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is this server able to save vehicle after server restart?

as far as i know yes, we used to have bugs with the tents a while back like a month and a half ago. but after the latest updates there have been no problems

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I play on this server pretty regularly with my buddy Chazzles, (I think) I'm gorgoncolaman on steam if anyone is looking for a couple of moderately-equipped guys to play with. We're vehicle-hunting at the moment, but we've literally only seen one motorbike once, which I kinda flipped and broke after a while, so we need to find a replacement to fix up haha

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Well Servers closed now =P

WE didnt receive even a 1/8th of the rent in donations so i had to close it down :(

anyway good luck to you all :D see you around ^^

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Well Servers closed now =P

WE didnt receive even a 1/8th of the rent in donations so i had to close it down :(

anyway good luck to you all :D see you around ^^

If you do host again, my recommendation would be in the future to go with someone other than MP. Besides being downright lazy, their prices are like 2-2.5x more expensive than everyone else. For the price of ONE of their managed servers, you can get a dedicated server. Ouch.

Edited by urbanfox

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