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Mature yet young player looking for EU DayZ Group!

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Hello one and all! My name is Dan and to keep this sweet and short I am currently looking for an rather active DayZ group, (Yes this basically means everyday playing this beautiful mod). I'm currently fourteen years of age in which I can see how that is frowned upon yet I still wish to be in a mature group. All I ask is that if you feel like recruiting a player who knows the basics of this is that it is a small group. Maximum= 5 current players. I apologise but i'd find it a little awkward joining a new community and being completely clueless ^.^.

If you'd like to take my in send your group details to my Steam = Desarus

Thank you for your time!


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My names Jack i live in america but im 12 and would love to join P.S. Im a boss at this game! :3

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