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Polygonal Errors?

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I don't know what exactly is the cause but every now and then polygons go absolutely crazed and stretch across the screen. Typically this doesn't bother me too much but upon exploring I decided to take a trip to berzino. On arrival I aggro'd 3-4 zombies and started to run deeper into the city. Suddenly I can't see anything as my screen becomes a clusterf*ck of polygonal obstructions covering the screen, making it almost completely grey. It makes the game completely unplayable as I can't tell where I am or even if anything is around me. Anyone know how to fix it?

Edited by Keylime314

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this happens to me. its like your game is getting sucked into a point on the screen with triangles and stuff? and only at certain camera angles? progressively getting worse?

I just restart the game. that helps. idk of a fix though.

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this happens to me. its like your game is getting sucked into a point on the screen with triangles and stuff? and only at certain camera angles? progressively getting worse?

I just restart the game. that helps. idk of a fix though.

Yeah or instead of being sucked in they just explode outwards.

Tried resetting, didn't do jack to help me unfortunately. Also tried that whole shift and "-" to type flush but it doesnt bring up anything to type it into.

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Check video card temps. Also, if theres barbwire around its been known to cause similar issues

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As above, it's barbed wire. It's always barbed wire. Chances of it being your system are basically nil, unless you have been having corruption in other games.

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Check video card temps. Also, if theres barbwire around its been known to cause similar issues

Card is nestled inside an "ice box", so it's fine. There was barbed wire but I tried the same thing on another server and had the same problem. Couldn't even see if there was wiring on the second server, I'll assume there was on try 2 more servers. Edited by Keylime314

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...I will adopt your policy

It's always the barbed wire

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