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Looking for a squad/team to join w/ room for solo play.

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Age:24 Location:west coast US

I got about 75 hours under my belt, not many but enough to start looking for a group imo.

I am completely self sufficient, not looking for handouts but I also don't mind giving some out. Currently parked up in the NE wilderness... west about 10 clicks from berezino.

I prefer using Steam and TS as forms of communication.

Mainly just looking to join a team to do combat ops w/ others and provide support fire... maybe get a base set up and a vehicle.

Objectives are fine but I'm not looking to get orderd around like a chess peice, I've been playing woodsball for over 6 years now, a lot of times with nam and iraq vets so its hard to take a clan leader seriously when they think they have to give out step by step orders to each person under them to be tactically effective.

Would rather not play with anyone in TS under age 18, them voices are annoying.

Looking to join an active group... the few groups I've tried to join I have yet to group with anyone ingame.

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ill join you. ive started recently too, and just looking for a backup

Steam: Zyggon

send me a message. im on central time

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I have been playing solo for a week now and would like to join a group. Please send a PM if you want to join up,

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