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The day before yesterday, heli fall from the sky, and nukes go rampant. Yesterday, Fully automatic AS50's fire from the hills from invis people. Today, a guy teleports to me, and kills me with a fully automatic crossbow 20+ bolts. Also, I shot him in the leg with an AS50 from point blank, blood splashed out, no broken bone, he's alive. This fucking game.

I can't wait until this mod goes stand alone, with a better system that does not accept external scripts...

Inb4: carebare, whiner, gobacktocod, whatever.

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Yeah had come into the server today and spawn a Huey and go around picking people up.

I spotted him and kick/banned him but, after he killed everyone on the server..=/

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guy named "tim" went invis. only way I know is i could tell he had just climbed to the top of the roof I was on in cherno. He goes "Oh , so your the guy who killed me. I wanted to find out. I rolled and he missed his first 2-3 shots and I think I hit him, but either way I was dead, and he was definetely firing from right in front of me (surround headphones, no music, just effects). Anyways its usually hard to tell if a person was really invisible or whether you just didn't see him, but in this case I'm convinced.

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