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A community of players.

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First off I'll start by saying I'm in no way a "noob" been Playing DayZ since day 1, now that said here's my idea and a crazy one at that.

Im trying to get a community of friendly players NOT a clan, clans do not work in DayZ from my personal experience. Anyways a community of players together that can and will promote a friendly environment in which players can gather. Now this is hard to do I understand as many players may say well I'm a friendly I want to join and just kill everyone on sight. So what I need is feedback on what you think and how WE could get this to work. There are countless possibilities like Dr.wasteland I fully support his efforts and what he and his team are trying to achieve. I'm sorry for this dire block of text as I am typing this on an IPhone but please leave comments and discuss. If I can get a team of friendly players together we can do many things in terms of a better gameplay experience.

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Depends on what you want to achieve, most things can already be achieved with 2 people or more. Large groups would not have a viable goal at this time. The best way to find your answer i personally think would be to join a couple of groups trough the forums, run with them for a while and you should get a general idea of what you could accomplish. Not to mention making some contacts with friendly people for the future.

http://freesidetrading.co/index.php is a group of people who do trading events for instance. Attend one and have a chat.

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A clan is what you make of it. It doesn't have to be anything other than what you want it to. So start one. Gather up a group of like minded players and rent a server. Shoot outsiders.

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