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Recruiting for the "Undead Bandits"

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I am one of four admins of a bandit group know as the "Undead Bandits."

And I am here to recruit players into our group.

We are a good group of friends that were once always friendly but one night we were all gunned down on a hill. We all said fuck it, now we are Elektro's finest bandits.

Our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Undead_Bandits

My own steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042111687

Talk to one of the admins and try to find a night when we are on.

How to get in: Show us that you are a true bandit. Kill someone BY YOURSELF and bring us the loot.

Or help us and show that you are worth keeping.

If you drag us down and we talk and find you are not worth it, we will put a bullet threw your're head and be done with you.

Make sure you have the zombie skin on and [udb] in your're name. Rest of the info is on our group page.

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