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"OPERATION ARROWHEAD" startup problems

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okay, i was hoping on getting DayZ working on my computer. I downloaded Arma2 free from the offical website. then bought operation arrowhead from Gamesrocket.com.

i looked at someone named kodabars (or somthing like that) install guide for DayZ and one of the steps for the non steam install was to run both: Arma2 free and OA after install.

arma2 free works and startsup fine, however when i try Operation Arrowhead i get an error code saying.

"Data file too short C:\program files\bohemia interactive\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\expansion\addons\ui.pbo. expected 31968514 b, got 1233977"

im not the smartest guy but i know i messed up somewhere. i do know that another step before was to copy the addons folder from arma 2 free to Operation arrowhead. while doing this i got another error code saying..

"cannot copy sound: data error (cyclic redundancy check)."

So if anyone could talk me through what i did wrong i would be entirely happy.

it might also help to let you know i have used the six updater for DayZ and i am confused on the step with beta patching. so please help if you can. :D

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