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Freaking Failure.

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Shit like this pisses me off..


^^ Is this a bug, youll see in the video

Edited by Geckco

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As far as I know, your 4 shots should have broken that window. I heard an empty can can even break it, but I haven't had the opportunity to try that personally. Looks like a bug, yeah.

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It seems to depend, I've had it break after a couple shots, and I've also had it take 10+ shots.

I try to use the hatchet now, it's silent and it seems to break it in a single hit most of the time.

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I used the hatchet for that a few nights ago and it took 5 hits.

I'm not sure how it works, in the source engine a breakable objects uses health, but it doesn't seem to work that way here.

It sucks when you're trying to get in before you agro and the zed across the street is looking your way.. D:

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use a tin can or empty soda can, 1 toss = broken glass. I've had to empty almost 2 clips into a hospital window before it broke in the past, now I just toss 1 can and I'm in.

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The hospital windows are bugged. Break at random amount of hits / may desync for different clients.

The tin cans won't break then any more surely than bullets, etc.

Hatchet is the sure bet to eventually get them broken, because it won't run out of ammo.

Also, grenades seem to have worked for me every time :P

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Besides walking passed the box in the back that gives you the same stuff found in the front of the hospital, he was shooting the wrong windows. Shooting two separate windows once a piece will do the trick.

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shoot the pane of glass at either end of the building a few times. or toss a can. I like to toss a can. Warning, if you toss a can and are standing right next to the glass you hit is sounds like a fucking explosion and your eyes will ring for a minute or so.

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