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ZedNecks Rescue Squad aka MedNecks

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Ok before i get started in this post anyone who is going to say your full of shit or your just ganna kill us go post that in your own thread about [ZN].

With that said, Visit our froums at http://zednecks.enjin.com/forum/m/6641163/viewthread/3693230-mednecks-medical-squad-to-save-people for information and post there if you need medical attention. We are also recruiting ppl to join the med squad. Once agin we are a clan thats trying to turn a new leaf and make a move away from banditry and twords giving back to the DayZ community. Yes we have killed people for fun. Yes we Used to KOS. Yes we were bandits. But things change. As Dayz grows we to want to grow and we are attempting to Enlarge our reputation as a Clan that gives not takes.

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lol good for you good luck getting someone to cash in on it pal

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