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Server stopped showing up in Six and gets stuck on loading screen

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I have performed last 2 ARMA patch updates and had this issue after both updates. Only about 10 people or so are able to connect to the server. Everyone else gets stuck on black loading screen. Also the server does not show up in Six even if you search for it, but you CAN join from in game browser. Looking at the bandwidth of the server there have been 6-8 people constantly playing on the server sense the last server restart about 16 hours ago. Even I cannot get into the game. I even gave it 20min to try to load. Server was updated to the latest Battleye couple of days ago as well. It ran perfectly and was visible up until couple of days ago.

Server: US 869 Tampa

Password: letmein

I'm going to keep it locked until problems are resolved.

Edited by RomanTPA

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Also, I reloaded the OS and ARMA/DayZ yesterday to try a fresh start, but still having the same issues.

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I sit at loading for about 5 to 10 minutes before I load in. It has to do with the hive, I believe. It only happens to me when I log in with gear. With a new character, its like 2 minutes.

Also, what is the beta and dayz version running on it?

Edited by Ryahn

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I tried joining multiple times. Before this issue my server always had 50-60 people playing during daytime. Now I max of 6-8 people.

I'm running 95208 and1.7.2.3

Edited by RomanTPA

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I got figured out why it wouldn't show up in Six.

But, still getting stuck at loading screen.

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