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Badaboum (DayZ)

Hosting a server

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Hi, I send an email 5 days ago on [email protected] and [email protected], no reply, maybe a lot of work for theDayz staff.

We have a dedicated server running on an i5 2400 (3.1 ghz), 16Gb ram, 2T hard disk, and 100 mbits and no restriction on bandwidth, also the server is running on Win 2008.

We would be pleased to be part of this great adventure and host for the community an other 50 slots server in France.

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i would set you up if i could. I suggest sending another email. They get so many emails that some might just get lost in the mess of things. Like i said if i could help i would

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Apologies for no reply. We've just been very busy. Please fling me an email in a day or so. Quite busy over the next 24 hours with University and work, but after that, hook me up.


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