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Saving Cars/Heli

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A few days ago I came across a good heli, was working fine, just low on fuel.

When I exit the game and rejoined later on the Heli was gone, even though I landed in a very remote area.

How do I get it so when I rejoin the game I will still have my heli/car?

Do I need to return to the same server where I had found it initially?

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I'm pretty sure you need to go back to the same server. I'm not entirely sure what the save function does though. If you find a vehicle and don't know what server you're on, ask in the side channel and write it down.

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The "save car" option saves the car's state, location and content (you can use it to stache some of your provisions). The car will be saved on the server you discovered it on and so far cannot be carried over to another server (you will need to return to the same server).

If you forget to use the "save"-option the car and it's content will despawn. If you saved it earlier and drove it somewhere else, then left the server, it will be where it was last saved. Even if you saved it, it won't prefent other players from finding it and borrowing it (happened to my car ;) )

Hope this answers your question.

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