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Y_u_ShootMeDoe -___-

Low FPS... :(

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Hi guys, DayZ is a very fun game but it feels like a powerpoint presentation to me at times :( I've tried changing the game settings to what people recommended, I changed the config like people recommended and I started using Game Booster 3 and still my FPS are usually around 19. I'm starting to think that my PC just can't handle the game. Here are my specs and I would appreciate your opinions on whether that's a reasonable FPS for my PC.

AMD Phenom™ 9550 Quad-Core Processor x4 ~2200MHz

ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series :Display Memory 2425 MB , AdapterRAM 1.00 GB

Memory 4096MB RAM

If I missed out any important specs please tell me I will add :) ... Thank you in advance guys and girls.

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Software like game booster will not give you a better performance. The processor, is semi-decent for a game engine like arma 2's, it is kind of outdated and therefore you will see fps problems. Even with my i7 950 @ 3.4GHz i still get low fps, i.e 25fps in cherno. My best bet is to either wait for the mod to be cleaned up so we get better fps, or to finally upgrade your cpu. Or if you don't have the money, try overlocking your current cpu :)

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Yea thanks bro I thought so I didn't really bother upgrading my pc because I usually played like Quake live and Starcraft 2 but yeaah I will just have to deal with my crappy fps (was getting 17 in elektro) for now and upgrade my CPU later or might overclock and pray I don't start a fire :D . But thanks again :)

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