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SE 9 Cheat report

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At around 20:40 (GMT +1) on SE 9 the 21 of july.

Location: NE of town "Polana", top of hill "Dubina". Player "[N.W.A] ICEMANcool" was killed by someone with probable AS50, at this point it seemed legit.

Player "[N.W.A] Lil'Krejjsi Daug" killed a player with Ghillie suit. In mr Ghillies gear, were alot of different grenades that arent spawned in DayZ like "TimeBomb" and some more stuff, didnt get the names.

When we were up on Dubina, around 20:50, artillery started raining over the area around "Factory", over 20 *BANGS*. This is where we logged off...

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Players mentioned above, the others aswell werent cheaters, turns out its a friend clan of ours... So cheater is somewhere else. At 22:00 someone spawned a house on me in the hill of Dubina.

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I just frapsed 5ish B52 bombers raining hell over Zub, on SE 9.

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And now It's down... Thanks for nuking the server! :/

Edited by overdriv
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