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First Time Ever..

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This is my first time ever PC gaming, read about DayZ online and just had to play it. I've been "playing" for about an hour now and it's just so different and unique I love it. Even though I don't really have an idea of what I'm doing, and somehow lost my backpack...interesting start. From what I've read the best option for someone like me just starting out is to find a city and get some gear/weapon(s) so that's what I'm trying to do now, as long as I can find another backpack..ha.

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If you went swimming (which I'm guessing you did) you will lose everything in your inventory. Stay out of the water!

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I would stay away from cities and try to find the big Barns. They have Z's there, but less chance of running into Bandits.

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Keep your senses keen; check you corners, and good luck out there.

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