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Disappearing Weapons on Login

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Never server-hopped, and now I'm going to have to.

Lost a suppressed MP5 and the corresponding suppressed handgun when I logged into my home server. Cumulative twelve hours of play to get those weapons, making the trek between Balota and International in the dark.

Just wanted to know if this bug has been reported or anything. /endrantIguess

Edit: OH! Lost my ALICE pack that was topped off with food and water bottles, too. Joy.

Edit 2: Ah, nuts. This should be in the Bug forum, hm? Admins! MOVE ME WITH YOUR POWERS!

Edited by CynicalEye

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I'm having the same issue here. I lost my main and secondary slot equipment, along with my pack and all of its contents. People are saying, from what I've seen on other posts, that swapping servers is a bad idea, but I play servers with slots available, and the game is supposed to be persistent across all servers, so I don't think sticking to a single server is a solid workaround.

Let me know if you find any legitimate workarounds.

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Tell ya what I don't mind dying for any number of reasons. I will start over for just about anything but after you have all the items you could ever want get all set after a week of solid play and you login get teleported one building over and outside and all you stuff 24 slot pack L85 all tools and handgun are just GONE. That's unplayable it's untestable and don't cry me alpha version because even in alpha the hive should not screw up like that without items there is no alpha because there is no game.

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My friend and I had this exact issue last night to contest with, worst part was it happened when we spawned inside a hospital.... with no gear to throw at the windows.... so annoying, as above had all we needed to stay alive from previous sessions, was forced to server hop about 20 times before found a servere with the galss broken as empty cans would not spawn to break glass........ on the +side however we did see 3 heli crash sites last nighyt, which was quite cool......

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Well it happened again and this time there were three of us online when it did. Turns out it was hackers. I guess they can strip your gear right off you. I didn't realize this as the first time it happened was right when I logged in and I immediately logged to another server to see if the hive corrected itself. This does not help. I guess this game is dead as it seems to be rampant on many servers we saw it twice last night on different servers checked the hacking forum on this site and looks like all servers are getting hit.

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That is stupid why do people do that they are going to destroy this game... very upsetting

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