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Armor for vehicles

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Hey guys,

I really enjoy this game, especially the part about the game being realistic. But first of all, I want to tell you the reason for making this post:

After two days of collecting car parts (especially the engine parts.. jeez that took some time), my group finished repairing the bus. We were really happy about this and started driving around the map (we avoided towns, since we didn't want to raise attention).

Two hours passed and we decided to pick up a friend in Elektro and then it happened: We heard two or three shots and the bus went up in flames, killing us in the process. This was our first vehicle at all, and had we known that they are destroyed so easily, we never would have went to town in that sweet ride.

So I searched Youtube for some vids about this and found this:


In my opinion, this is beyond ridiculous. This a game based on realism(well expect the zombies of course) especially things like the possibilty of breaking your bones when you fall down a ladder or a roof, or being killed with one shot, bulletdrop etc etc.

But destroying vehicles so easily should be changed.

Maybe it would be possible to add an armor system.

You repair the vehicle with one pile of scrap metal, and then you can add another 3-5 piles of metal for extra armor(just an example).

Or that vehicles in general get more hitpoints or something like that

I would really appreciate some feedback.

Thank you very much for your attention fellow survivors, have a nice day/evening hunting/surviving.


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Totally agree with that.

It was no problem, if the driver can be shot by sniping, but car/bus-exploding by shots on the carossery is unrealistic. It sucks.

You have to work hard for a vehicle, so it should resist more than a few shots.

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This aint no A-Team jibberjabber, foo'

But anyway right now arma 2 has a set HP for vehicles, to change it (or add armour) would mean editing/creating new models.

Edited by disorder

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