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Hello Dayz mod peeps,

I am really new to the Arma community... I have owned Arma2 for about a year now and never played it... I get games from friends and family all the time but I work so much I never get to try them all...

Anyways I went through a lot of posts here and read all of the rules and I agree with them knowing this mod was built to have one main server save all player information like a Hive so basically you can join any server that's connected to the central system and your information is still there...

I also agree with the fact the Dayz Devs would like everyone to be nice and play fare and to play the mod as intended more or less like the old west where things happen as if in the wild...

As it is I been hosting servers since late 1990's and I have seen all the script kiddies, wall hackers, aim bots and such and know the Administrative functions are supposed to be there to maintain the servers integrity and to keep things fun and safe for all players... But I also understand the issue where Server admins abuse privileges as I have witnessed a thousand times you get an admin who pretty much waits till the server owners away for a while and starts playing god with the server and starts slaying, kicking and banning people for no reason but just because he or she had a bad day...

One thing about these forums is I didn't get the information in the main thread anywhere about the specifics of hosting this mod!

  1. Where to get the files? Both Latest and legacy Documentation and Youtube links
  2. command line examples: both with stand alone & Steam versions
  3. Where all files are supposed to be located: both with stand alone & Steam versions
  4. Server config examples
  5. Administration commands
  6. Network bandwidth information as far as how best to set player to server slot amount configuration
  7. Recommended Server hardware

I think the rules are important but to get more servers running this need all the information to get it running in the second post...

Where I am at right now I just need some information for the command line as I found one here but I do not know the server.cfg information to put in for Arma2 and for the DayzMod config... Do I need both or one? Anyone willing and knowledgeable wants to add me to Steam please feel free or just talk here I don't mind either way...

I do not know if I can even host this yet everyone's got me scared talking about all the Bandwidth usage... I am curious about the scale of usage between server slot settings how much bandwdth is really being gobbled up... Does this mod allow people to download from the server directly or do they have to have all the files before they can join the servers? Are there files they re-download every time they join a server? Or is the bandwidth just basic player usage from the server?


Edited by CoZmicShReddeR

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