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Character Selection

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How to select a Character in DayZ?

I join a server and I haven't got Character Selection screen and I haven't got weapons(Makarov or other pistols)

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You can only choose male or female and you don`t seem to start with any weapons.

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How to select a Character in DayZ?

I join a server and I haven't got Character Selection screen and I haven't got weapons(Makarov or other pistols)

When you start your journey in Chernarus, you only get the following items:

- Coyote Pack (8 slot backpack)

- 1 Painkiller

- 1 Bandage

- 1 Flashlight

You need to search houses and barns etc. to find weapons and other good stuff ;)

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But I'm not want search pistols. This is very Hard! How to select a Character with Makarov?

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You cannot select a character with specific gear; everyone starts out with the same gear, stated above. The ONLY option you have for character selection is if you want a female or male model.

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