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New Player in love with the game

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I have not been so immersed in a game in a long time. All sorts of feelings in this game. Joy when I meet a friendly player and we team up, Fear when I hear that sniper shot. Sorrow when I look over to see my new buddy, dead on the ground gushing blood. Then a bit of anger as I get shot next and realize I should have ran before trying to loot my dead friend.

If I can share my favorite part of the game so far, its this...

I'm in Cherno at the apartment buildings looking for loot, I'm at the top floor, and find a revolver, not bad I'm thinking when suddenly I hear foot steps, lots of them, to fast to be zombies. I crouch and stand still just waiting. It feels like quite some time passes hearing foot steps shuffle around until I hear 'Friendly, Friendly!' Phew I think, friendly players outside POW POW POW, xxxxxx was killed.....

This made my blood go cold, what do I do? I dont want to move, Ill make noise... But then I realize I got my revolver, and he doesnt know im here, so I lean over to my left and I have a perfect view of the door way into the apartment. So I decide, I'm going to kill this guy, I just need to be a little patient. I hear some shuffling around, then some clang clang clang as they go up the stairs, it wasn't loud enough though, he must be in the apartment next to me. so I wait, Revolver ready probably for a good fifteen minutes before I hear CLANG CLANG CLANG, Oh shit, hes coming up the stairs to MY apartment building. I could feel my heart beating at this point as I waited for what felt like an eternity as he made his way up the stairs.

Then it happens, hes infront of me, I let loose all six shots into his belly. Hes down. Kill message received. Finally, I start to relax, what a game.

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Lol yea I have to agree with you. It is amazing how intense this game is. I can remember almost nothing of the 9876543988 games of cs, or cod, or battlefield. This game, I could tell you about everything since I started playing. Amazing....

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Elektrodavodsk is way better than Cherno in my opinion :)

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