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Noob Failure

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So, I was totally all geeked up to play DayZ after work yesterday and all started out well once I got everything setup (6 Launcher..etc.) Luckily I spawned on a beach during the day and was on my merry way, slinking my way toward a small town.

I finally made it to a 2 story building on the edge of this town while avoiding my first set of Zombies. I found some items that are required for survival and was feeling pretty good about myself.I was imediately enjoying the DayZ experience. It was all I had read about the past week or so.

But then I ran into a Zombie on the 2nd story of this building and all went to hell rather quickly. I couldn't figure out how to swing the Axe I had found on the 1st floor and I took a pretty good beat down from this Zombie. I got the You are Dead screen and then mistakenly hit respawn in the menu screen. Which I quickly realized was not the right thing to do after seeing my death count climb in the status menu.

So I dump out of the server and find a new one after searching out that you have to abort the mission. I join the next server and when I spawn, I spawn with a broken leg and I believe I'm bleeding or have lost a ton of blood.

Also the top icon ( not sure what it means yet) is blinking what appears to be a light blue color. I tried to wait it out after reading about the 5 minute punishment to get my controls back, but the hourglass takes forever to start to tick down. I've waited a 1/2 hour on 2 different servers for it to tick down but it never moves at all. So I guess this is that new punishment I've read about in the recent updates.

So anyway, I could use some help in trying to get back to enjoying the DayZ experience. Right now it's just a broken game for me.

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