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Ive been playing on ANZ 8 today and while at my tent which is well hidden, someone pops in and kills me outside staray.

As if they knew exactly where I was.. yet im surrounded by trees/shrubs.

I make my way back only to find someone running behind me taking pot shots at me and have to run through the town to loose them.

Once I get back to the tent.. its indeed been pillaged.

On my way toward the military tents I hear shot gun fire... so I monitor the area for a min or so.

and out of the blue I get the same guy pop in (like a server hop)

And I hear this over the mic.


Wastes me...

Was only not 10-15 mins ago in Stary

Im not pissed about being killed, Im pissed about hacking, targeting me specifically and someone being verbally abusive like this.

I felt like it was a personal attack against me.. not just a bandit kill.

Wish I knew how to find out who it was so they could be banned.

I just know they're Australian because of the accent and way they spoke.

(Sounds like a little Sydney westie thug)

Server: ANZ 8

Time: About 1:10-30am AU Eastern time.

Edited by moofactory

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There have been a few hackers teleporting around and killing people. This may have been one of them. I encountered one today, I got into a fire fight and they disappeared and reappeared directly behind me, and this was after watching them spawn a datsun and a landrover in balota airstrip.

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