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Alby (DayZ)

Six Launcher does not install.

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My friend is having trouble installing the Six Launcher. Every time he tries to install his gets this warning: http://imgur.com/SiQtj

We tried this to fix it but it didn't work. http://www.sugarloaftech.com/index.php/2010/05/30/windows-installer-service-cannot-be-accessed/

Is there any other way to manually install the Six Launcher without the exe? Help!

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When we tried the registry edit option that I linked to, it still didn't work but it gave a different error message.

Unable to save file:

C:\...............\Appdata\Local\Downloaded Installations\..........\Updater.msi (note: this is not the exact file path)

Access is denied.

We have also tried running it as an administrator and access was still denied. Help!

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Six Launcher has a support option on their main page. Give them a shot and see if they can help. Im going to use them as well for my error message I get :)

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I've contacted support - no reply. Has anyone encountered this problem?

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