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Can you kick users for using VOIP in the side channel?

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Just curious. I was kicked for using VOIP in the global channel. On US34

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as far as I am aware, yes.

Thanks for your response, but can you explain why the server would have the side channel enabled at all?

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It shouldnt be enabled. From what I read somewhere, its not allowed. It should be the default chat where when your close to someone, you can see their chat, there is no global chat. The only global chat is reserved for admins and when using Rcon, you can see what people are saying in Direct Comms.

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That's what I thought, thanks Ryahn.

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Rocket has stated that while he does not want side chat enabled, he is not blacklisting servers for this specifically.

(Source: http://www.reddit.co...o_rocket_today/)

However, what admins cannot do is edit the mission files. So unless you know if they were provided an edited mission file or they actually edited the file themselves, there is a good chance they have no committed nothing wrong

(Edited to insert proper source link)

Edited by Volatyle

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