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hacker in server DE 182

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shot me and my friend with sniper and he was right behind of me when i checkked and he teleported right over there nd ther was no 1

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No proof no screenshot no name no server. What do you expect will happen now? Why did you open this thread? oO Do you want some beans? Because you won't get anything else out of it.....

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kinda hard tog et screen shot when person suddently teleport behind of u with as50 and head shot u and ur friend in 2second

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kinda hard tog et screen shot when person suddently teleport behind of u with as50 and head shot u and ur friend in 2second

Sure.. but as I said earlier: Why did you open this thread? We know there are hackers out there you don't have to tell us. And you got no proof so we can't ban him. Is it just for pity? Such a pointless thread.....

Edited by Lycake

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i just said this cos its kinda anoying loss ur rare stuff for hacker... and kinda funny when i was kild my friend saw that guy right next to him when is aw him right behind of me with as50 and in 2seconds he moved 90meters and shot my friend in that time ''while swimming in water my friend said''

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i just said this cos its kinda anoying loss ur rare stuff for hacker... and kinda funny when i was kild my friend saw that guy right next to him when is aw him right behind of me with as50 and in 2seconds he moved 90meters and shot my friend in that time ''while swimming in water my friend said''

Okay so you just want pity........ go to your mum

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no i just said it cos got pissed off... i can get hack come to ur server and rape ur ass and make u loss svd camo + as50 +m107

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