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Sentinal (DayZ)

A gentleman among the devastation

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I had recently spawned after me and my friend got sniped by a team of snipers (I took one of them out) and me and my friend were gonna meet at Balota airstrip. I came from the East and my friend from the west, as he approached he was ambushed by 2 people who held him at gunpoint until he explained that he was friendly, he was unarmed and still not sure if they were friendly or not so I came in brandishing my hatchet which smok'd with bloody execution and a horde of zombies following me just in case these two people were in fact bandits. Alas after stating that I was friendly they shot every zombie following me and started talking to me. One of them was shot by a bandit and then the other killed the bandit, it was at this point that a random unarmed girl came out of nowhere and started talking to us. At this point, the man could have shot me, my friend and the girl and taken anything we had but he didn't, he in fact let me and my friend gear up from the bandit and hightail it out of Balota.

Mr CohmodderSolo, you sir are a gentleman and you can have my beans any day of the week.

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