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We are clan -STB- we are looking for hire

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So we are clan -STB- or fully spelt "Soon To Be" we have a few night vision goggles, coyote packs etc. we are looking for people who are trust worthy people that won't f*ck us over. We give you loot, but in return you help benifite with the clan. At the moment we are in need of a vehicle since our bus and motorcycle got stolen by a clan which I'll keep anonymous. Their on server US 485 luckily for us we've discovered their camp and they have much loot for you to grab such as AS50's, ghillie suits, SVD CAMO, and much else we didnt really look over. So if your interested reply and join US 485 and start heading north where the big airstrip is, our camp is somewhat close to there, my bud -STB- Driipzz will show you since I'm tired and off to bed I'll get back to you all in the morning and thank you and please if you have a vehicle do tell us already thanks and welcome to -STB-

Server: US126 (hosted by Roosterteeth)


1. Search Resausk

2. Search Driipzz


1. Resausk

2. Driipzz

3. Christian

4. Spencer

5. Gary

P.S at this time you will need to have Skype until more members join by then it won't be so necessary.

Edited by Resausk

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I just joined the server and started moving there, what's your skype name? I'll add you.

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Add us on Skype I posted our names in the forum post

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Just a quick reminder if anyone would like to join. This has been an update that we have moved our camp to US126 hosted by roosterteeth. We destroyed our old camp as well as the other clans for taking our vehicles. Speaking of vehicles we now have a UAZ on our new camp so if you want coyote packs goggles etc. and want to have a good time with awesome gear then speak to me on Skype! We'd love to have a bigger crew but as always we want people we can trust if anything is a mishap you'll be kicked immediately and our camp will be relocated. thanks!

Edited by Resausk

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let me know if your still looking, dont need gear, just need more people to play with.

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Skype me man I'll let you know

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