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Randomly Unconscious on log in

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What happened:When logging in, I log in unconscious. I.E. Hourglass and have to wait to stand back up.

Where you were:It's happened in more places than one, and appears to be random. But so far once was on a building laying down and once was in a field.

What you were doing:Sniping on the building and running towards an airfield in the field.

*Current installed version:1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on:Virginia server each time this happened.

*Your system specs:3.6Ghz 960T Overclocked. 8Gigs ddr3 ram. Nvidia 460.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

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Seems I've had similar issues being where I was looting a hospital in Cherno with a friend and log out. Came back the next day unconscious on the hospital floor having to wait almost 2-3 minutes to get back up. As well as happening another time, I was outside of the Supermarket in Cherno upon spawning to be unconscious once more for the same time period.

Date: 5/20/12

Current Version: 1.5.8

Server: TX1 and I believe Dallas 8

My System Specs:

AMD FX-8120, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, and a NVIDIA 560 Ti 448 Core Edition.

*Timeline of events before/after error: Explained above

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Happened to me twice today. Not the normal unconscious either, the type of unconscious that lasts a really long time. Both times I was at 12k blood and uninjured.

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I started to get this same bug now. First time I got it was today when I logged out in prone inside an apartment building. Now, even though I do not log out in prone, I'll spawn unconscious.

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