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rossi (DayZ)

First post: Alternative to Bandit system

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I was reading up on the latest update and saw that the bandit skin was being removed. This is ok with me, but it did get me thinking about what alternative could be used.

Instead of a skin change, what about:

1. A change of face skin. Looks more like a scruffy ne'er do well if he/she has a reputation for bad things

2. When you move your crosshair over the player infront of you some text appears in the HUD saying something like: "Looks new to these parts", "Looks like he could handle himself", "Looks untrustworthy", "Looks suspicious", "Looks like he needs help"

that kind of thing, giving an indication to other players on his current situation. A wreckless player would look suspicious etc...

Just my 2p.

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I'm not sure an alternative is warranted. There's no real way to tell just by looking at someone what kind of person they are, so why should we be able to in Day Z?

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