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some ideas from Yamiks

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So once again i have some stuff to suddggest to you(dayz devs):

1. in website at dayz download put one simple line of text somewhere to see what version is the current dayz mod

2. there is bug that causes you to lose DMR mags if you drop them in some crates/ground/..fireplace(i think).

3. it would also be awesome to be able to put ammo mags together if they have free spaces like(puting together 2 mags that are half full and make 1 full there for taking up less space)

4. in older version there was a bug that screwed up m1911,makarow pm,hatchet and some other weapons aiming (it was like you aim down the sights and zombies is 2m away from you and you are not moving, also you havent ran much you aim at zombie and you miss and miss and miss..my friend had this problem recently so did i but somehow this bug disappeared after a while)

5. it would be interesting to see new map ,maybe some map that devs made (but i think devs have enought problems as it is)

6. i hate that you cant go in most buildings, it would be good to replace old building w/ new ones that you can go in..but again, this is arma 2 devs job ..but if possible then it would be awsome

7. i would also like to be able to make traps for zombies and players(i know there is bear trap but..cmon)(traps like frag granade trip-wire trap, milnes for cars and humans or zombies,claymores and more)

8. it would be awesome if you could find weapon attachments by them selves and combine w/ weapons(like finding acog sights,silencer or attach your flashlight to weapon)

9. once you have consumed canned food or drank soda it should leave empty can in your inventory.

10. you should be able to find bikes more(cuz you in real life almost all households have at least 1 bike)


Edited by yamiks
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1. I like the idea, so people wont mess up with playing the wrong version

3. A really known bug that's been going on for a while.

4. Also a known bug

Well that's yeah.

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