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My first few times playing DayZ

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>Spawn outside lighthouse

I'm siting here trying to figure out controls, it's raining, no zombies or players in site, so I finally climb to the top of the lighthouse cause why not??

dead player at the top with a rifle and no ammo, and while i'm struggling to figure out the inventory system i'm sniped.

>Spawn outside a nice little freight/office building on the beach

VERY slowly sneak inside building, found some good loot. Air conditioner man gets here so I jump up to answer the door, come back i'm dead and some guy standing over me

>Spawn outside a nice warehouse

2 zombies inside, I just lead them around and get loot, walk out 2 players ambush me, steal my axe and toolbox

>spawn outside huge beach city, on a freight dock

go around get loot, no weapons at all, walk towards the coast, player comes towards me, shoots my legs and breaks them and leaves me, investigating zombies beat me to death

>rage quit, go to forums

(edit: all of this was yesterday and tonight)

Edited by snakebeater

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Welcome to dayZ, lifes not fair so deal with it.

You will die a lot more than a close quarters match with a bunch of 5 year olds on CoD.

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All of these things are normal.

The leg-breaking thing was just brutal though, knowing you had absolutely no loot for them, they wanted to make you suffer. Sick bastard.

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woah woah woah, don't make it come off as if i'm complaining cause i'm not.

cod has nothing to do with this i don't even play fps's,

just sharing a first experience.

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And this is why the coast is evil. At least Cherno and Elektro. Head inland and give a big middle finger to those bandits.

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All of these things are normal.

The leg-breaking thing was just brutal though, knowing you had absolutely no loot for them, they wanted to make you suffer. Sick bastard.

the DMR is best for doing that at range when you know they have a friend. Friend comes, morphine/blood. Both die.

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I think Players should start off with a pocket knife, I'm just sayin... I know enough people that carrier some kind of pocket knife/tool on them. But fun and cool non the less.

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