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Pre-emptory duping ban appeal

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hey, I just accidentally duped a G17 and two G17 mags, please do not ban me for it (current name in game = Daniel Grey)


I swapped my G17 for the PDW I had left in the tent earlier

then I attempted to place my ammo-less M4 SD into our tent, and it disappeared

after a quick scan it was not apparent that the M4 was on the ground, so I assumed the inventory had eaten it (as it had munched my M14 AIM and three clips about half an hour before :() and DC'ed in order to 'beat the glitching'

when I respawned I had a G17 and two clips, the PDW was gone and my M4 was both on the ground (the other side of the tent from my original access point /derp didn't think to check) and in my inventory

so yes, I have caused items to duplicate, but please, I will not use them (or more than one of each) and I did not desire to cheat and dupe, I only wanted to avoid the pain of having the inventroy eat my rare loot

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you didnt need to post a forum thread on it mate..

if you really feel the need to get rid of it, just drop it somewhere no-one will find it. :)

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I find it OK, at least at situation where he could get banned he can show this post to ensure devs/hosts that he didnt lie and had no bad intentions.

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