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Looking for Good Players to squad up with...

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Me and one of my friend have been playing DayZ for a while now and have realized we need full squads to really excel in this game. Me and my friend both have Steam, TeamSpeak, and Vent, as well as skype. (If we need to get any thing else we will do so.) So if any players are looking for a squad or have a squad, me and my friend will glad join you guys. We are very mature being Juniors in Highschool. We have a lot of time to play right now as it being summer. So if you guys are looking for very active player let me know and we would love to have bigger squad to patrol the wasteland with. If anyone is intersted please let me know.

Thank you very much,


(Steam name-RockingReilly)

P.S.- Happy Hunting

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im up for joining you guys too, ive got teamspeak,vent and such.

Edited by Flufflez
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why dont u start a squad i would be glad to join you.

i have teamspeak so we can talk.

Add me on steam RockingReilly its late right now so i am getting off shortly so tommorow we can squad up.

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