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US 38 Carpetbombing / Mass Explosions / Nuke

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Time: 22:37 PST, 05:37 GMT

Server: US 38 Texas (formerly TX8)

Location: Lake next to Koptyo (above Prigorodky)

Rolling through an area, heard a few explosions, my buddies and I thought it was a couple people with M203's or something of the like. We approached where we thought we heard it slowly, and as we were extremely close to the lake, carpetbombing happened, killing two of us (names Chase and apocalypse) and wounding the other two (names Luna and Chubbs70000000)

Restart happened soon afterwards.

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My friends also killed only two survived, the same server

Edited by vacalouca

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I can't believe how brazen some of this skiddies are.

I hope the perp gets a perma ban and his parents have to buy him a new copy of Arma.

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The sad kids that only have the IQ high enough to search ARMA 2 DAYZ SCRIPTS.... Every video like this kills me a lil inside and makes me want to kill a kitten.

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